Getting Rid of Blackheads Black with Toothpaste
Getting Rid of Blackheads Black with Toothpaste
Getting Rid of Blackheads Black with Toothpaste |
Some women will feel disturbed by the black spots in the area around the face commonly called blackheads. Many ways to remove blackheads naturally, medical salon, to use specific drugs to eliminate these comedones. But actually natural ingredients powerful enough to remove blackheads without having to spend a lot of money. For example with a toothpaste that we use every day to brush his teeth, the toothpaste not only serves to whiten teeth, but also serves to remove blackheads while eliminating acne scars.
Here's how to remove blackheads with toothpaste:
1. Only Toothpaste
Toothpaste is able to remove blackheads just the way rub, mint toothpaste that makes blackheads lifted. How to remove blackheads with toothpaste for effective results, use toothpaste white toothpaste and do not have other colors.
How to use :
Clean your face with clean water and use soap then rinse and dry with a towel,
Apply toothpaste on the blackhead facial area contained a thin,
Let stand for 10-15menit to toothpaste feels dry and not feel sore anymore,
After that, rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel,
Then the result will be immediately visible, now you've gone blackheads from your face.
2. A mixture of salt
Salt can be a natural scrub to smooth your skin, and iodine contained in the salt also serves to exfoliating (peeling) which serves to remove blackheads on the face.
How to use :
Clean your face with clean water and use soap then rinse and dry with a clean towel and smooth,
Prepare toothpaste and salt to taste,
Mixed with toothpaste and salt until evenly both,
Apply on the face area contained blackheads,
Let stand for 5-10min,
After the massage gently with your finger,
Then rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel.
3. A mixture of lemon
Vitamin C contained in lime juice beneficial to shrink the pores and also help lift stubborn blackheads on the face. How to remove acne with lemon because the acid contained in citrus juice can be absorbed into on your face. In addition, lime can also make faces appear brighter and smooth.
How to use :
Clean your face with clean water and use soap then rinse and dry with a clean towel and smooth,
Combine lime juice to toothpaste taste,
Apply on the face area contained blackheads,
Let stand for 10-15menit,
Then rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel.
In the first usage will feel hot and sore, but not to worry because the pain and the heat will not last long.
4. A mixture of lemon
Almost the same as using lime, lemon fruit is also efficacious remove blackheads. Not only raised blackheads but to how to remove acne scars can also use this lemon fruit.
How to use :
Clean your face with clean water and use soap then rinse and dry with a clean towel and smooth,
Mix lemon juice with toothpaste taste,
Apply a mixture of lemon and toothpaste on the face of blackheads,
Let stand for 10-20min,
Then rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel.
5. Blend the egg whites
Protein, minerals and vitamins contained in the egg white into the skin and reduces blackheads are efficacious in the face. Especially in the hard to reach, for example, a line on the outskirts of the nose.
How to use :
Clean your face with clean water and use soap then rinse and dry with a clean towel and smooth,
Take an egg and separate the white and then break the eggs,
Mix the egg whites with the toothpaste and mix well,
Then apply on the face of blackheads
Take a tissue and place a tissue over your face already terolesi toothpaste and egg white,
Let stand about 20-30min wait until dried egg white,
Lift slowly tissue of the face,
Rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel.
In addition, how to eliminate acne with egg white mask can also be made with ease.
6. The mixture of aloe vera
Benefits of aloe vera for acne contain nutrients that are good for your skin. The use of toothpaste and aloe vera can eliminate blackheads membandal function effectively. Not only that, aloe vera can also create a soft sensation on your face and brighten the skin.
How to use :
Clean your face with clean water and use soap then rinse and dry with a clean towel and smooth,
Provide 2buah aloe vera and take sap,
After that mix the toothpaste with aloe vera sap and stir evenly,
Apply on the face of blackheads,
Let stand for 15-30menit,
Then rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel.
7. Add the ice cubes
By using ice cubes, then the pores in the skin will open up and facilitate toothpaste absorbs into the skin to blackheads lifted.
How to use :
Take some ice cubes and wrapped with a clean cloth,
Kompreskan ice cubes on the face of blackheads for a few minutes,
After compressing the face, apply toothpaste on the area that has been compressed,
Allow the smear of toothpaste until it feels hot,
After that compresses the back of your face with ice cubes a few minutes,
Then rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel.
If we clean your face with cold water, then the pores will open and facilitate the efficacy of the above materials absorb into the skin. if we rinse with warm water, then warm water itself is useful to close the pores of the skin that has been exposed. (See also: how to reduce the swelling of acne)
Several methods above if done regularly for 1 week will produce satisfactory results, and blackheads membandal will not go back again. Not just blackheads clean, but your skin will also see the difference. Face dry, will be tender and bright. Oily any oil content will be reduced gradually. If the user is done on a regular basis and also make the skin look brighter and firmer.