how to remove blackheads - How to Eliminate Acne and scars with Soda Cake

how to remove blackheads - How to Eliminate Acne and scars with Soda Cake

Acne, definitely a lot of you are already annoyed with one health problem skin on this one. Yes, acne is indeed one of the skin problems are very disturbing and many avoided and hated, especially by the women. Acne itself is basically a natural condition that happens, because it is one response or reaction to the production of hormones in the body. Moreover, if you are someone who has the production of hormones that cause acne are high, then surely you will be more likely to have a higher occurrence of acne, even severe acne.

Acne Treatment

How to Eliminate Acne and scars with Soda Cake
How to Eliminate Acne and scars with Soda Cake
However, you do not have to worry about acne on your face. Currently, methods of how to deal with acne and heal it had an awful lot. You only have to choose about how anything that fits that can heal and also eliminate your acne. At least, there are two main ways that you can take to eliminating acne, namely medical means and also a natural way.

Medical way
Medical ways usually involve a dermatologist and beauty doctor. Where normally they would deal with cases of acne that are very severe and painful. Usually by using a drug that is manufactured and formulated with a doctor's prescription, suffered acne will disappear. However, there are some disadvantages of medical methods, one of which is allergic to a given drug, so not everyone is suitable to eliminate acne with medical methods.

here are some things you should be aware of action medically acne treatment:

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Natural Ways
Sosa Cakes to Eliminate Acne

One food ingredient that can be used to help eliminate your acne is to use baking soda. Yes, baking soda is one of the common materials used in the process of making a cake, which serves baking soda to help develop cookie dough, making pie becomes softer and expands perfectly. Baking soda is usually sold in powder form, in the form of a crystal-like powdered sugar or granulated sugar. Baking soda can also easily be encountered in a wide variety of shops or mini market near your home.

Baking soda or baking soda is evidently considered effective to help eliminate acne, acne scars, and also has excellent benefits for maintaining healthy skin. Here are some simple steps to help treat acne by using baking soda:

1. Masks baking soda

The first way you can do is to make the dough a mask of baking soda. This way other than to help eliminate acne, can also be useful for the treatment of facial acne. Here are the steps for making a facial mask of baking soda:

Take approximately 8-10 teaspoons of baking soda, then mix with 4-5 tablespoons of warm water.
Mix both ingredients and dissolve until evenly
Apply a solution of baking soda mask is on your face, wait about - about 15-20 minutes
When finished, rinse and wash your face with warm water adan, and isa also use facial soap.
A number of other materials that could be made into a mask acne removal, namely:

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2. Create a paste of baking soda

How to remove acne from other baking soda can also be made into a thick paste. The trick is very easy. You just mix the baking soda, with a ratio of 4: 1 with water, so that the solution could be a form a thick paste. Then, apply the thick paste on the face with acne, and let stand for 15 minutes. After the rinse, and do this activity for several days on a regular basis, until your acne Bena completely healed.

A number of other pasta ingredients that can be made to eliminate acne:

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Causes of Acne stubborn

However, factors other than the appearance of the hormone in the body, there are still a lot of other factors that can cause acne on your face. These factors are diverse everyone, however you should still be cautious. As much as possible avoid these factors to minimize the appearance of acne on the face. Here are some factors other causes of acne:

Cigarettes and alcohol
Allergies to certain foods cause acne (usually seafood and also protein)
Allergy to dust and pollutants cause acne
Allergy to medicines and also certain chemical substances
Allergy to make up and cosmetics, such as face powder, foundation, etc.
The impact of the disease
Unhealthy diet
Oily skin
Genetic or hereditary factors
Stress factors, as well as mental health deperesi
Those are some factors that can cause acne appearing on your face, so as much as possible when you already know what factors can cause acne on your face, then you should be able to avoid it, m and also try to find a way out so that your acne does not appear again.

How to remove acne with baking soda can be a safe option to treat acne stubborn and come back. But of course needs to be balanced with a healthy lifestyle every day.

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